Monday, April 24, 2017

A day in a life of a working mom

Weekend was over and it was time for mumma(sometimes ma, mom, mummy and sometimes bum bum) to get up and get ready before my 2 adorable(not so) toddlers wake up. In a mom's life best part is to see them sleeping peacefully but hugging them in the morning is even better. Yeah not so much before 6am in winters.

My daughter has a fasination with lying ON me for first 10 mins after waking up. This morning I waited for her but then got ready by 7 am. I was about to sneak out of the house while all 3 munchkins were still sleeping. I opened the door quietly and I hear "Mummy why are you going out so early!?"Oh damnit now I will miss my train (which is every 10 mins though, there won't be parking available blah blah). I cuddled them, showed the excitement "Look mumma is going quickly so she can be back home early". 4 yr old totally bought that while my 2 year old while pointing to the bed said " don't go to office..sleep in that bed" ofcourse she wants to lie down on me BAM!

9 o clock I checked my phone twice and then impatiently called hubby ( who I knew won't pick in between chaos of 2 kids). Finally, at 9:20 am typical iphone bell rang loudly in such a quiet workplace. I said very quietly "heeeello" and then I heard a loud " Mummy we are going to childcare, we finished Milo" This angry mommy politely asked hubby " didn't they eat brekky" and without realising he is being questioned innocently responded "no so much I did offer them cereal!". AH I LOVE HIM !

 Fastforward to evening - I knocked on the door to find  my 4 year old opening the door with ke!, All mommies out there don't judge me we do have child proof door. Even then my first thought was what the hell - how did he open, what if he goes out one day blah blah. Child safety lock back on. 2 year old came, hugged and ran back faster than the speed she came. On the contrary 4 year old wanted to be in my lap woah! Lucky he is lean and not too heavy. That went on for 40 mins while hubby made a full meal. That happens once in a year. This mommy got so much time to play and laugh today! Well that wasn't the highlight of the day ! Highlight was that once my son finished his dinner and i said sit for some more time with mommy he ate the same amount of dinner again without protest ! Now mom's whose kids are fussy eaters will relate with me here.

Now, second shock of the day came when I told kids "toothbrush tim" and even before I repeated it second time ( prepared to do it over 5 times) both of them were in the bathroom brushing so hard that I thought we might need emergency trip to dentist !! Now I was surely dreaming. 7:20 pm kids are in bed, hubby still scrubbing kitchen floors and island table. I could have died today in peace :) Well, back to kids - I am sitting next to them trying to remember whose turn it is - which kid I am meant to sit with first.
My 2 year old who speaks clearly than I do is suddenly speaking super fast in jibberish. Me and my son are dying of laughing so hard that when my hubby came inside the room annoyed after looking at his face - we burst out laughing like mad cows! I can't remember all words but in the background i could hear mani mana hoike, maniya blahblah . Have no idea what it means.

As soon lights went off my kids vomit there feelings on me. I love it. Whole time when I ask them how was there day, what did they do - I hear nothing but lights off - fight start - "mom I want to tell u something". Only one story is common though "when Akaya hits then Arnie cries" I hear this story 3-5 times a day from 2 toddlers each every single day since 3 months.

 All done back in room to lie down. We put the baby monitor on son is imitating my husband's voice and dialogs "Awaaz nahi, Mira Neilu AWAAAZ Nahi" which means "No noise, Mira and Neil no noise now". My daughter was laughing so hard.My husband couldn't resist but laugh and we laughed on it for next 20 mins. Man what a day !! It was a normal day except for the fact I wrote it down. It was just a day in a life of a mom, who was ready to lie down in bed in her formal work clothes and tall boots just beacause her daughter wanted to lie down on her'!!