Friday, November 30, 2012

Baby!! 1 Month Summary

After an year I am back to is as if my inner self is forcing me to get back to writing something plus i never ever want to forget these beautiful moments of my life.

I delivered a beautiful baby boy(with big curly eyelashes ;-)) on Oct 22nd 2012. Ever since we are trying to figure out if he looks like me or my husband..we are yet to find out.

I was due for 28th Oct and took a break from 1st Oct. I wanted some time for me..just for me before my parents land in Australia on 17th. To my surprise my nesting instincts started too soon..and i spent every single day till 16th morning in cleaning my house. My husband got fed up and explained to me that every single corner of the house is sparkling and doesn't need anymore cleaning but i stopped only once i realised that my baby hasn't moved since last 8 hrs!I freaked out completely and landed in labor ward emergency on 16th evening (the night before my parents were planned to land).

On the way from home to hospital i remembered every god, no i am not the ones who bribe god that give me this then i will pray for u even longer :D I just said..ok i dont need to tell it here. We reached hospital and i was tied to some monitoring device on my big fat tummy.The device apparently reads baby's heart beat and kicks. I just wanted to listen to 1 kick..and then he kicked ;-) phew!! and then kicked n kicked n kicked 22 times in 20 mins :D dramatic isn't he! like mommy like son!

Next day mom dad arrived and this was the turn of mommy to do all the drama at airport. I don't particularly like airports unless i am going there to pick someone (and flight isn't delayed). After a sentimental and dramatic meeting we all head back to long await for baby.I kinda knew that my baby will be overdue and that feeling was killing me. On 21st night i was reading on google "how to get into labor fast?" Really! i can't believe now that i was searching for that. I read lots of stuff..some kind of tea, long walks, sex (Seriously?) and jumping on an exercise ball.I ignored most of them and started jumping on the ball..Bangggg! I was in labor at 9:30 pm ( started jumping at 8 pm)..I am 100% sure it was a coincidence. 3 am we were in the hospital and i hated every moment of contractions..boy they are super painful. I was told by a mid wife that they will monitor my baby's heartbeat for 20 mins(again!!)I was pinned to that same device of heart beat monitoring. That monitoring continued for 4 hrs and i landed into emergency c-section operation. Apparently baby wasn't enjoying labor process..Can you believe that? His heart beat was going too high and too low erratically ( told u he is a drama queen or king?) I was told to keep my expectations right after operation that the baby might not cry as he has swallowed lot of meconium filled water (in simple terms he pooed inside and drank that water yuck!!!)my boy! I saw the baby coming out..what was i expecting, a pink boy smiling at me will come out and the baby who came out was brown colored ( covered in poo :) and screaming his lungs out. What a relief..he cried. They cleaned him up and kept on my heart..did i love that moment? thats an understatement! i freaked out..this thing came out of my stomach! Oh man..i only fooled myself that i am loving it. I realised a bit later that day that he is our baby (blame it on anaesthetic). Thats it my boy was expected he sure did make a bold entrance :D

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